Penerapan Metode Antrian Dan Game-Theory Dalam Analisis Pengaruh Kenaikan Harga Pertalite-Pertamax Bagi Pengendara Roda Dua (SPBU XY)
Queuing problems in everyday life can hinder the smooth running of activities in terms of time. With queues, the time to get service will be longer. If this problem is not resolved it will have an impact on users of the related services. XY gas station is one of the gas stations that is quite busy with two-wheeled users. The research method used in this case was direct observation at SPBU XY and interviews. The data in this research was obtained at SPBU carried out for 3 hours, namely from 09.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB. With the method used, namely maximin and minimax in game theory, to find out in terms of the advantages of Pertalite and Pertamax, the saddle point in the pay off matrix is known, namely it lies in price and quality because the saddle point value obtained is the same, namely 27. So it can be said that this calculation is optimal. Because the value obtained is optimal and has a saddle point, the type of game theory used is pure strategy. Knowing that the customer strategy results are that Pertalite wins the price strategy, while Pertamax wins the quality strategy.
Keywords: Game theory, Queuing, SPBU
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