This study discusses the measurement of egg hatching machine productivity at PT. Malindo Feedmill.Tbk, in Peninjauan, Bumiagung Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine how much productivity from the hatching results of broiler chicken eggs with Petersime and Chickmaster hatching machines. The method used in this study is to use the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) method. Besed on the best results obtained on the Petersime type hatching machine than the Chickmaster in percentage calculation Availability Rate (91,13%), Performance Rate (11,37%), and Rate of Quality (99,53%). So that the average value of overall equipment effectiveness or effectiveness of the use of manufactured machines of (OEE=97,53%). The conclusion of this study is the OEE value achieved by the Petersime type hatching machine has met the set standards for the effectiveness of an equipment of 85% (JIPM) whereas on the Chickmaster type hatching machine does not meet the OEE standard value because it is still below 85%, in the analysis of Six Big Losses it is known that the engine breakdown factor (Break Down Losses) is the dominant factor as the cause of production equipment not operating normally either on the Petersime type hatching machine and Chickmaster.
Keywords: Productivity, OEE, Hatching Machine, Petersime, Chickmaster
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