
  • Dinda Zulwi Amalia Tifani Teknik Industri
  • Heri Wibowo Universitas Malahayati
  • Marcelly Widya Wardana Universitas Malahayati



PT. X is a company engaged in the business of processing high quality rubber, namely RSS products. The objectives to be achieved are to determine the productivity level of the sheeter machine using the OEE method and identify the Six Big Losess factor based on the Pareto diagram. The results of the 2020 analysis of the sheeter machine have an OEE value of 86.50%, while in 2021 it has an OEE value of 91.15%, ideal conditions of 85% (Japan Institute Of Plant Maintenance For Performance Ratio). In the calculation of Six Big Losses, an analysis that has the potential to reduce productivity from the OEE value and becomes a top priority for the company to eliminate is the Reduced Speed Losses factor of 99.25 Hours or 60.69% in 2020 and Idling And Minor Stoppages of 48.08 Hours or 47.74 in 2021.

Keywords: Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Productivity, Sheeter, Six Big Losses


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