Analisis Uji Usabilitas Pada Website Pendaftaran MBKM Prodi Teknik Industri
The advancement of Industry 4.0 makes information progress very easy and fast to find, so work is finishing with the best quality standards. One of the ways in academics is the Freedom to Learn the Independent Campus (MBKM) program, which can allow students to study according to their wishes. The Industrial Engineering Study Program created the MBKM website to facilitate information and registration for the MBKM program. The results of the website require a usability assessment to measure the ease of using the website using the system usability scale method. The number of respondents used in this study was 47 people. The results found that the score achieved was 76.75 units, meaning that the website can be said to be easy to use and is included in category B of the system usability scale. These results also stated a percentile value of 77.95% of respondents stated that the website was easy to use. The results achieved made the MBKM website easy to understand using simple language.
Keywords: Website, MBKM, Usability, System Usability Scale
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