Industrika : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri <p><strong>Industrika : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri</strong> adalah Jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh badan penerbitan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Industrika : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri</strong> terbit empat kali yaitu bulan Januari, April, Juli, Oktober.</p> <p><strong>e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-5732</a> | p-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-4745</a></strong></p> <p><strong><img src="" width="85" height="120" /> <img src="" /></strong></p> Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tulang Bawang en-US Industrika : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri 2776-4745 Analisis Beban Kerja Pada Produksi Beton Pracetak Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Kebutuhan Pekerja <p><em>Manufacturing company PT. Varia Usaha Beton provides concrete products. On the concrete production line in Gresik, the company makes various types of concrete, one of which is precast concrete. In manufacturing activities, there are problems when carrying out production where there are orders whose production has not been fully realized. Aspects of workload can influence production demand which cannot be realized in its entirety because workers expend too much energy resulting in workers not being optimal and the limited number of workers resulting in demand not being met. To address this problem, researchers conducted a workload analysis on precast concrete production activities for each product and determined the number of workers needed according to production demand. The method used is using working time measurements and the Full Time Equivalent method to analyze workload and determine the number of workers according to the FTE value index. The results obtained after data processing and data calculations were carried out for operators working to produce precast concrete, 13 of which were overloaded and 2 of which were normal. After calculating the need for workers, the workers needed to meet the demand for precast concrete production requires 52 workers from the initial 24 workers.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Full-Time Equivalent, Workload, Worker Needs</em></p> Wahyu Rahman Dani Jaka Purnama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 196 204 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1217 Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Part Grip Model D55L Dengan Pendekatan Six Sigma Di PT.Z <p><em>The existence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, progress, and developments over time are starting to change the way consumers view a company. PT.Z uses this to retain and attract consumers by controlling the quality of its products. The aim of the research was to identify product quality related to the causes of defects in the D55L grip part as the product that experienced the most defects in the 3 month period of observation activities and to obtain suggestions for improvements in order to minimize variance to zero defects. The method used starts with conducting a study until data collection and processing are carried out using the Six Sigma approach. So the number of products was 75,242 with 5 types of product defects totaling 863 defects, DPMO 2,289, sigma value of 4.34, and yield 4-σ (Sigma 4) 99.771% which is equivalent to the industry in the USA, and the main causal factors were found which were grouped into Man, Machine, Method, and Material. With the existence of Six Sigma, recommendations for improvements were obtained for the company by meeting the target of 0.01% and it was concluded that quality control at PT.Z is under control.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Defect</em><em>,</em> <em>Grip</em><em>,</em><em> Product</em><em>,</em> <em>Quality, Six Sigma</em></p> Aliyya Rizqi Amani Wahyudin Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 205 217 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1194 Analisis Efektivitas Line Cubing 2 dengan Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness di PT. BM <p>PT. BM is a food seasoning company. One of its superior products is seasoning cubes. In the production process, seasoning cubes are found in cubing line 2. From the research results, cubing line 2 has problems that impact the high level of product defects and downtime. This research aims to analyze the OEE calculation online cubing 2 with the aim of increasing effectiveness and finding the root cause of the problem. Research methods involve problem identification, observation, literature study, data collection and analysis, discussion, recommendations for improvement, conclusions, and suggestions. The data was analyzed using OEE calculations and the root cause of the problem was identified using fishbone diagram analysis. Recommended improvements include setting brass as the standard bushing material, as well as carrying out preventive maintenance every 6 months. It is hoped that the implementation of these improvements can increase overall production effectiveness at PT. BM.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Availability Rate, Effectiveness, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Performance Rate, Quality Rate.</p> Falsha Satria Dwiputra Wahyudin Wahyudin Billy Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 218 226 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1202 Analisis Mesin CNC Milling dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness dalam Mendeteksi Six Big Losses di PT. A <ol> <li><em>PT. A is a company engaged in the manufacturing industry with products produced in the form of (dies, jigs, and parts manufacturing). During the activity, the CNC milling machine Milltex Vex 580b experienced engine damage which resulted in the machine working unproductively and affecting the level of effectiveness of the CNC milling machine Milltex Vex 580b. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a method consisting of availability level, quality level, and performance level as a measurement of optimal machine performance tool productivity to maintain the effectiveness of a machine. To eliminate losses using Six Big Losses which are six big losses that can affect the level of machine effectiveness, the average OEE result is 69% where this result is still below world-class standards. This is due to losses caused by a reduction in loss speed of 42%. By analyzing the fishbone diagram (consequences) of this method, it can be concluded that the cause of the low effectiveness value in machine performance is due to the level of availability which is influenced by the reduction in loss speed.</em></li> </ol> <p><strong><em> Keywords:</em></strong><em> Effectiveness, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses</em></p> Muhammad Carvin Eshardiansyah Fahriza Nurul Azizah Wahyudin Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 227 237 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1249 Analisis Penerapan Metode Material Requirement Planning (MRP) dalam Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Bahan Baku pada PT. BSM <ol> <li><em>PT. BSM, is a company that operates in the manufacturing sector by producing Mechanical Seals and is also a distributor of the Nippon Pillar Japan brand. Production planning and control is necessary to ensure that all processes function smoothly and production efficiency and effectiveness are achieved. PT.BSM's production system implements Make To Order (MTO), in which production activities are carried out when the customer places an order. This process will take place from raw materials, and semi-finished goods to finished products. This will pose a risk to the production process if the raw materials to be produced are not yet available. So it is necessary to have an analysis of planning and inventory control to expedite the production process. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to plan and control raw materials in accordance with requests from customers in the future using the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method with the Lot For Lot (LFL) technique, after calculating the MRP with The Lot For Lot (LFL) technique obtained the planning results for mechanical seal raw material requirements for 2023 every month. Based on MRP calculations using the Lot For Lot technique, mechanical seal raw materials can be planned and controlled for the next 12 periods.</em></li> </ol> <p><strong><em> Key Words:</em></strong><em> LFL, Mechanical Seals, MRP, Supplies</em></p> Gina Hidayatul Kamila Ade Momon Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 238 246 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1234 Pengaruh Employee Engagement dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Dosen serta Penggunaan Metode ADDIE untuk Rekomendasi Perbaikan <p><em>This study aims to test and analyze the effect of employee engagement and job satisfaction on the performance produced by lecturers of the Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA) and provide program recommendations to overcome performance problems that occur. The population in this study was all ITERA lecturers with a total of 574 lecturers and samples were obtained with the Slovin formula which resulted in 85 ITERA lecturers. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and then the results were analyzed by: validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, determination coefficient tests, hypothesis tests, and multiple linear regression tests using SPSS. The method used to determine improvement recommendations is the ADDIE method. The results showed that employee engagement and job satisfaction have an influence on the performance of ITERA lecturers. Based on these results, the proposed program recommendations include the provision of benefits, socialization of IKU, and the SISTER application and training and certification designed with the ADDIE method which is expected to overcome performance problems that occur.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: Employee Engagement, Job Satisfaction, Performance</strong></em></p> Irfan Rafli Syahputra Rinda Gusvita M. Zaky Hadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 247 257 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1325 Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas dengan Metode Six Sigma Pada Produksi Packaging PT. ABC <p><em>The development of industry in this current era is progressing rapidly, marked by increasing competition among companies. The method used is the Six Sigma method with the DMAIC approach (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control). With this method, data obtained includes a total number of both good and defective products, which are then classified into several predefined defect categories by the company. Based on the data analysis results from July 2022 to December 2022, PT ABC identified four types of defects in packaging products. These defects include sticking with a defect percentage of 54%, cracking at 27%, coloring at 18%, and scratching at 2%. Improvement efforts can be made through training, guidance, and supervision of operators to enhance product quality. Additionally, strict supervision of raw materials in packaging production is necessary to ensure their quality is maintained. Furthermore, the machine setting process also requires supervision and guidance, with the implementation of clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for each product.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>DMAIC, Quality Control, Six Sigma</em></p> Muhammad Aldizan Wijaya Aldi Asep Erik Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 258 267 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1239 Penerapan K3 Menggunakan HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control) pada Perusahaan Konstruksi di Cilegon <p><em>One of the companies in the Cilegon area engaged in the construction industry has a high level of work risk. This company is required to implement an Occupational Safety and Health program to prevent workplace accidents.". Risk identification and assessment in this company has not used the HIRARC method as a basis for mitigation. This aims to identify the risk of work accidents, assess the risks, and recommend control measures. Based on the results of the data processing that has been carried out, the results show a low-risk risk value with a percentage of 0%, a moderate risk value with a percentage of 36%, a high-risk value with a percentage of 64%, and an extreme risk value with a percentage of 0%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Construction, Hazard, HIRARC, Risk Control, Work Accident </em></p> Lucky Setiawan Asep Rahmatullah Irfan Muhammad Asih Setyo Rini Siti Hanan Theo Raka Haris Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 268 278 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1516 Pendekatan Model Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Pada Pengelolaan Air Limbah PT.Chandra Asri Petrochemical <p><em>The development of industries linked to population growth in Indonesia has led to increased waste production, particularly in terms of wastewater. This research examines the wastewater management system at PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP), emphasizes the importance of waste treatment to prevent environmental pollution and maintain ecosystem sustainability. Through literature review methods, field studies, and the utilization of a simulation model employing Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD), this study evaluates the impact of industrial wastewater management on the environment and society. The research findings identify wastewater treatment processes at CAP, including the Neutralization Pit, Oil Separator, Dust Filter, and Dust Trap, along with regular inspections to ensure that water quality meets the established standards.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Causal Loop Diagrams, Dynamic Methods, Environmental Impact, Waste Water Quality Standards, Waste Water Treatment.</em></p> Thomas Prastyo Hana Sajidah Ismi Nabilah Sahrupi Sahrupi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 279 286 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1367 Perancangan Desain Pola Parkir Sepeda Motor Menggunakan Metode Ergonomi Partisipatori (Studi Kasus : Universitas PGRI Wiranegara) <p><em>The limited access to public transportation to Universitas PGRI Wiranegara (UNIWARA) has increased the preference for using private vehicles, thereby emphasizing the need for adequate parking facilities. This study aims to create an optimal design for motorcycle parking patterns at UNIWARA that aligns with user needs, utilizing the Participatory Ergonomics method. Through three participatory ergonomic stages, namely the initial interview stage, group discussion stage, and parking pattern design stage, several issues were identified, including the irregular use of parking facilities, suboptimal capacity, poor vehicle circulation, and excessive interventions by parking attendants. The result of the motorcycle parking design using participatory ergonomics revealed a total capacity of 732 motorcycles in three parking sectors. The design specifications include a parking angle of 90°, a parking unit width of 0.75 meters, a parking unit length of 2 meters, and a parking circulation lane width exceeding 1.5 meters. These specifications address the identified issues and provide a well-structured parking environment that meets the needs and comfort of users.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Participatory Ergonomics, Parking Facilities, Parking Pattern</em></p> Andika Rangga Aditya Perdana Putra Artha Aulia Surya Putra Kencana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 287 295 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1334 Analisis Strategi Peningkatan Penjualan Toko Online Danangshoop Dengan Metode Market Basket Analysis <p><em>Danangshoop is an online store that focuses on agriculture and sells plant seeds. On its journey, Danangshoop encountered a problem in its e-commerce system, specifically the unsequential arrangement of products in the best-selling column. This research are meant to change the sequence of best-selling products in order according to the total number of purchases per product. Market Basket Analysis is the method used to analyze consumer purchasing patterns, and the results are the basis for marketing strategies that enhance sales targets. The implementation of Market Basket Analysis helps in designing promotions and product placements intelligently. This research uses a quantitative approach, analyzing data by calculating confidence and support values. The lift analysis results indicate that a combination of vegetable seeds and fruit seedlings has the most significant impact on the purchase of vegetable seeds. The conclusion highlights a variety of products, especially vegetable seeds that are in demand among consumers. The store can enhance promotions by featuring vegetable seed products in the "best-selling products" menu, as vegetable seeds are the most purchased products based on previous research. Additionally, another option is to offer combined purchase packages. These recommendations are expected to boost the sales of vegetable seeds at Danangshoop. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Market Basket Analysis, Lift, Seeds, Online Shop</em></p> Bayu Rizqi Setiadji Rahmat Hidayat Faishal Rizki Nandasati Nafira Eldita Cahya Mohamad Jihan Shofa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 296 305 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1410 Analisis Beban Kerja Mental saat Mengoperasikan Smartphone dengan Memperhatikan Postur Tubuh: Pendekatan Menggunakan Metode NASA-TLX <p><em>Work physiology is the study of understanding how the human body adapts and functions in the work environment. Occupational physiology involves the study of the body's physiological responses to work-related demands and stress. This understanding is necessary to protect workers' health and welfare, as well as increase work productivity and efficiency. This research aims to analyze physiological workload by focusing on measuring mental workload, using the NASA-TLX method. Research activities were carried out on 12 students from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Mataram. Students were divided into 3 groups according to their assigned work posture, namely standing (Group A), sitting (Group B), and lying down (Group C). The results showed that the order of subjects with the highest mental workload was subject 1A (78.97%) with a standing posture, 2B (77.33%) with a sitting posture, and 4A (73.57%) with a standing posture. Based on these results, the final conclusion that can be drawn is that the mental workload in standing and sitting postures is what is most felt by the subject when operating the smartphone. These results conclude that different postures when operating a smartphone can affect the user's mental workload</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Mental, NASA-TLX, Posture, Smartphone, Workload.</em></p> Fikrihadi Kurnia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 306 313 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1434 Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan dan Fasilitas dengan Metode SERVQUAL dan QFD di PT. SJKM <p><em>Service quality assessment is influenced by the perceptions and expectations of each customer which has an impact on customer satisfaction. PT SJKM is a service company for the sale of motorbikes, spare parts, and official motorcycle repairs from Yamaha. The number of complaints from customers about the company's services has resulted in a decrease in the number of customers, thus affecting the company's revenue. From these problems, this research was conducted to identify the company's service quality attributes by looking at the gap between customer perceptions and expectations, identifying service attributes that are in the critical category, and providing suggestions for improving company services. This research uses the SERVQUAL method to evaluate customer satisfaction from 33 service attributes. Furthermore, the QFD method to design improvement solutions for service attributes that are the main priority for improvement from the results of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) analysis. According to the research findings, there are 7 service attributes that are perceived negatively by customers, indicating their dissatisfaction. Out of the 6 service attributes that need improvement, dealer security is identified as the top priority and will be addressed first using the QFD method. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Customer Satisfaction, Importance Performance Analysis, QFD, SERVQUAL</em></p> Yuli Setiawannie Nita Marikena Akbar Rasyid Permadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 314 324 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1480 Analisis Tingkat Risiko Bahaya Area Kerja Laundrybox dengan Metode HIRARC <p><em>Laundry is a business sector that has the potential to cause the danger of work accidents. each potential danger has a different way of handling it. This research was conducted to find out the potential danger that could occur in a laundry business. HIRARC is a method used as a means of analyzing potential risks that may occur in work activities. From this research, it was found there are three activities or processes were identified as having potential dangers. These three activities consisted of spraying fragrances, using a clothes dryer, and inaccurate gas installation. Spraying fragrances has a high potential of danger with a risk rating value of 3 this potential danger can be prevented by using a facemask and glasses while working. The second activity is the use of a clothes dryer which has a low potential of danger with a risk rating value of 1, this activity can be prevented by implementing a safe action. The final work activity is a less careful gas installation with a moderate level of danger with a risk rating value of 2, more attention is needed when installing the regulator and using a good quality regulator.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong>HIRARC<em>, laundry, risk</em></p> Lauw Vito Pizaro Nur Meiliyanti Efendy Marulan Andivas Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 325 332 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1326 Membangun Keunggulan Kompetitif: Penerapan OEE dan Six Big Losses untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Mesin I-12 di PT. BI <ol start="81"> <li><em> BI is a company that operates in the plastic packaging manufacturing industry. The main problem faced by PT. BI lies in the productivity and efficiency of the I-12 machine. The operational disruptions that occurred were a large number of breakdowns and less than optimal production levels so this machine did not reach the desired maximum capacity. The impact of these conditions can be detrimental to the company with the potential to reduce machine productivity and efficiency, as well as the possibility of incurring high costs. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the I-12 engine by applying the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method. According to the calculated data, the average Overall Equipment Effectiveness value from January to June 2022 is 81.32%, which means it does not meet the standards set by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance. Reduce speed losses on the I-12 engine have the largest percentage of the six big loss factors, namely 68.37%, which is the main cause of the decline in the effectiveness of the engine. Therefore, an in-depth analysis using a fishbone diagram is needed to find out the root cause of the problem.</em></li> </ol> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Efficiency, Effectiveness, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses</em></p> Alya Savitri Neneng Winarsih Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 333 342 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1221 Efektivitas Proses Produksi Melalui Pengendalian Kualitas pada Part End Plate dengan Metode Lean Six Sigma di PT. GCE <p><em>Competition in the business world is getting tougher, encouraging companies to improve and develop the quality of their production, the quality of the goods or services produced will affect the competition of a company. Making the production process more effective is something that companies must do to increase production results and can affect company costs. PT.GCE is a manufacturing company operating in the Sheet Metal sector and the production process takes place on a job order basis. In the production process, various deviations and obstacles often occur which result in products experiencing non-conformities, both in product form and processing time. The Six Sigma method is a business strategy that is considered capable of improving and maintaining a company's operational excellence. The results of calculations carried out using the DMAIC method in the Part End Plate production process obtained data on 0.048 defects in the non-conforming product category and 0.084 defects in untidy products, so it can be concluded that defects in Part End Plate products are below 3.4 defects out of a million opportunities. From the calculation results, it was found that the factors causing defects in the Part End Plate production process could be caused by several factors experienced, including machine and labor factors. It is necessary to propose improvements that can be made in an effort to reduce the level of product defects in Part End Plate products so that defects no longer occur in the product.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>DMAIC, Manufacture, Quality Control, Six Sigma.</em></p> Nur Sahroni Rizki Achmad Darajatun Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 343 351 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1259 Analisis K3 pada Mesin Blow Moulding PT. XY dengan Metode HAZOP sebagai Upaya Meminimalisir Kecelakaan Kerja <ol> <li>XY is an industrial company that makes home care and food-grade plastic packaging. The purpose of this study is to analyze the risk of accidents and occupational diseases that occur and control the risk of work accidents ergonomically. In analyzing the risk of accidents and occupational diseases, an appropriate method is needed. The HAZOP (Hazard And Operability Study) method is a systematic and structured method that can analyze hazards in the operating system or processes that may pose a risk of occupational hazards. The results of the analysis indicate several sources that can result in the risk of occupational hazards including crushed feet, slipping, slashing, injuries to the musculoskeletal part, sprained feet, and hand lift pinches. Risk control can be done by conducting training based on work instructions and regulations regarding K3 to workers, cleaning the ventilation of the work area, changing work tools that are not ergonomic, conducting regular monitoring by related management, making checksheets of PPE completeness before workers enter the work area, and conducting Safety Talk once a month by the relevant management</li> </ol> <p> Keywords: Ergonomic, HAZOP, Hazard, K3, and Risk</p> Adel Milatama Putri Asep Erik Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 352 361 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1205 Analisis Produktivitas Data Center dengan Menggunakan Metode Objective Matrix dan Analytical Network Process di Dinas Kominfo Kaltim <p><em>Measurement of productivity in the Diskominfo Kaltim data center is crucial for several reasons. One of these reasons is the significant energy consumption associated with data centers. Furthermore, there has been no prior measurement of productivity in the Diskominfo Kaltim data center. In efforts to measure and analyze data center productivity, the Objective Matrix (OMAX) method can assist in identifying factors influencing productivity improvement. Besides utilizing the OMAX method for productivity measurement, the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method is employed for weighting. ANP can accommodate the interdependencies among criteria and sub-criteria.</em> <em>In August 2023, a performance indicator of -47.48% was obtained, indicating a decrease in productivity by 47.48% compared to the standard performance. In September 2023, the performance indicator was 23.342%, signifying an increase in productivity by 23.342% compared to the standard performance. In October 2023, the performance indicator was 127.809%, indicating a significant increase in productivity by 127.809% compared to the standard performance.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Analytical Network Process</em><em>, </em><em>O</em><em>bjective </em><em>M</em><em>atrix, </em><em>Productivity</em></p> Fikri Saifullah Rahman Dutho Suh Utomo La Ode Ahmad Safar Tosungku Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 362 371 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1517 Perancangan Tata Letak Gudang Penyimpanan Material pada Perusahaan Air Minum dengan Menggunakan Metode Class Based Storage <p><em>PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang is a regional company engaged in the supply of clean water, especially in the Palembang area. The company still has not implemented the warehousing method properly. This is indicated by the presence of material with the highest frequency of picking placed far from the entrance and exit of the warehouse, the occurrence of long queues when picking up material for a unit in the warehouse, the aisle is used as the placement of goods, the labeling of materials is uneven, and placing goods in the area empty without regard to entry and exit. For this reason, it is necessary to improve the layout of the warehouse using the ABC Class-Based Storage method. The use of this method is based on the ease of managing the movement of goods in/out based on the frequency of movement of goods. Based on the results of data processing carried out, the grouping of materials using ABC analysis was obtained, namely Class A (HDPE Pipe, Sealtape, Elbow PE, Ferulle, Knee GS, and PVC Glue), Class B (Foucet Elbow and Knee PVC) and Class C (PVC Pipe, Clam Saddle, Box Meter, GS Pipe, and PVC Headlight). The Material Handling costs incurred in the proposed layout amounted to IDR 45,910687 (61.64% savings) which reduced the total distance by 66.30%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> ABC Analysis, Class-Based Storage, Material Handling Costs, Warehouse </em><em>Layout</em></p> Prasatya Guntara Resista Vikaliana Gita Kurnia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 372 386 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1437 Analisis Potensi Bahaya Kerja pada Proyek Pembangunan Pintu Masuk Utama di Bandara Sultan Kaharuddin Sumbawa dengan Metode HAZOP <p><em>The construction of the main entrance to Sumbawa's Sultan Kaharuddin Airport was carried out by CV. Swadaya Mas Engineering. Based on the results of observations in the field, potential work accidents were discovered. HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study) is a systematic, thorough, and structured hazard identification method for identifying various problems. The results of the analysis at the airport are 50% with extreme potential risk (Extreme Risk), 25% with high-risk level (High Risk), 25% with moderate risk level (Moderate Risk), and 14% with low-risk level (Low Risk) and potential classification There are 29% potential hazards in the work attitude classification. 14% potential danger in work procedure classification, and 57% potential danger in workplace classification. Suggestions for improvement (1) organize materials to make them neater by installing warning gates, (2) implement SOP and provide outreach to workers regarding the importance of K3 and the use of APD, (3) directly implement the priority of using APD</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Construction of Sumbawa Airport Entrance, CV. Swadaya Mas Engineering, HAZOP</em></p> Ismi Mashabai Ruspendi Ruspendi Rusmalah Rusmalah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 387 396 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1134 Optimasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Dalam Memprediksi Jumlah Penduduk Nasional <p><em>Predictions or forecasting are important parameters in determining policy that will be implemented in the future. The higher the population of a country, the more it will affect the balance of that country. This research aims to predict the national population using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach. The sample for this research is population data for each province obtained from the National Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The data is iterated from 2011 to 2022. The approach method uses backpropagation Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The architectural model is determined with 2 hidden layers and 1 output, namely 5-20-10-1 with learning rate variations of 0.01, 0.02, and 0.03. ANN prediction results are able to predict the national population. The success of the three models shows that the ANN model with a Learning rate of 0.01 has the highest accuracy level of 96.9697, equivalent to 97%. This is proven by the model's success in predicting 32 out of 33 data samples with a time duration of 117 seconds. The prediction results showed that the highest population numbers were in three provinces, namely Central Java, West Java, and East Java. Meanwhile, the lowest population is in West Papua province.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> BPS, JST, Learning Rate, Optimization. </em></p> Misrianto Misrianto Halimah Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 8 2 397 406 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1526 Analisis Perawatan Mesin Kapal dengan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) di PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk <p>Maintenance of the ship is a task aimed at ensuring that the ship continues to operate in a normal and seaworthy condition. This work is related to the ship's machinery system and other equipment on board. If the ship does not receive regular maintenance, it can impact the condition and performance of the ship. By implementing Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), information about the steps needed to ensure optimal operation of the engine or equipment can be obtained. RCM is a method used to develop Preventive Maintenance. In Time Directed (TD), there are two components, namely the schottel Asd component and the valve on the cylinder head. In Condition Directed (CD), there are three components found in the three pipe components: fuel pipe, oil, and engine coolant. In Failure Finding (FF), there are four components found in the seachast component, injector pump, fuel filter, and air. Based on the application of the RCM method used, the recommended maintenance actions for the Finding Failure (FF) category include daily, weekly, and monthly inspection activities. Meanwhile, for the Time Directed (TD) category, maintenance actions involve scheduling component replacements based on predetermined intervals.</p> <p>Keywords: FMEA, LTA, Maintenance, RCM</p> Hafiz Azhari Jimmy Greei Ganap Firda Ainun Nisah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 8 2 407 417 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1261 Implementasi Metode Single Minute Exchange of Dies Untuk Optimasi Setting Time Mesin Flexo B1 Grup C Pada Carton Box Departement PT. A <p><em>PT. </em><em>A</em><em> is a company engaged in the production and sale of paper, cardboard boxes, and other similar products in Indonesia. The products it offers include paper, tissue, packaging, and other products. The Carton Box Department, from the results of observations made, the average actual setting time on the Flexo B1 Group C machine is 47 minutes/order, this is one of the weaknesses that causes a 32-minute gap from the target set by the company which is 15 minutes/order. The research objectives are to analyze, improve, and obtain improved setting time results on the Flexo B1 Group C machine and the production process time carried out. The SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) method is one approach that can be pursued in improving setting time. The influence of the SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) method in optimizing the setting time of the Flexo B1 Group C machine results in a decrease in setting time with a setup duration of 49.11 minutes, normal time of 59 minutes, and standard time 66 minutes to a setup duration 25.36 minutes, normal time 27 minutes and standard time 34 minutes and the percentage obtained is 51.8%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Lean Manufacturing, Productivity, Single Minute Exchange of Dies</em></p> Aldi Dena Kusuma Neneng Winarsih Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 8 2 418 429 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1275 Pengembangan Alat Pemupuk Jagung Inovatif untuk Ketahanan Pangan yang Lebih Baik <p>The development of an innovative corn fertilizer tool as an improvement on an existing concept that has been widely socialized in the farming community aims to design a fertilizer spreader tool that suits farmers' needs, with a simple technological concept, a working principle that is easy to operate and a product form that is easy to carry, and can be commercialized and is a development of previous concepts as the aim of the research carried out. Using the French method because it is considered easier to meet data needs. The design results obtained are an improvement on the research concept of previous researchers which improved the capacity where the old fertilizer tool was only able to accommodate approximately 2 Kg of fertilizer, with the new design it can accommodate 15 Kg of fertilizer, the tip of the lever is designed to be pointed so that the fertilizer enters the surface more easily. soil, while tool rods made from stainless steel can provide strength to the tool, they do not rust easily if they come into contact with water or fertilizer (chemicals) so they last a long time.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Corn Fertilizer Equipment, Capacity, Design, Innovative</p> Putri Endah Suwarni Susanti Sundari Samsul Khoirul Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 8 2 430 436 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1531 Analisis Pengukuran Beban Kerja Mental Pekerja Produksi CV. Hikmah Jaya Garment Menggunakan Metode NASA-TLX dan RSME <ol start="74"> <li><em> Hikmah Jaya Garment is a company that produces various clothing equipment and apparel manufacturing. With the number of production requests that continue to increase every time as well as the application of the make-to-order system which causes an uncertain production schedule, it causes the emergence of its own work demands for workers. These conditions can affect the quality of the production results they are working on, so this study aims to analyze the mental workload experienced by employees at CV. Hikmah Jaya Garment is a reference for providing improvement solutions to increase work productivity. This research uses the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) and Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME) methods through a questionnaire containing factors or indicators of mental workload to workers. Based on the results of calculations and analysis, the average NASA-TLX score is 74.9% and the average RSME score is 83.1%, which means that the mental workload experienced by workers is in a high category with the amount of effort expended included in a large enough category. These high results cause less than optimal worker productivity so there are several recommendations for improvement in the aspects of workload indicators.</em></li> </ol> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Mental Workload, NASA-TLX, Production, RSME, 5S</em></p> Maulida Dewi Amanda Isna Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 8 2 437 448 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1324 Analisis Faktor Penyebab Banjir Di Kecamatan Jombang Dengan Model Sistem Dinamik <p><em>Cilegon City is an area that has a high level of vulnerability to various disasters, including natural disasters. Natural disasters are events that are natural and have the potential to cause damage and destruction to the environment, with impacts in the form of loss of life, material loss, and damage to infrastructure that has been developed over some time. Based on the Cilegon City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), flooding is a frequent natural disaster in Cilegon City. This research aims to identify the factors that cause flooding in the Jombang Subdistrict area. The research stages are observation, data collection, data processing with the causal loop diagram approach, data validation, data analysis, and conclusion. The results of the analysis show that the main factors causing flooding in Jombang Subdistrict are the intensity of rainfall, small drainage, and the small number of absorption wells. The consequences caused by floods are property damage, the spread of disease, economic losses, environmental damage, infrastructure disruption, and social disruption. Therefore, the solution to flooding in Jombang Subdistrict is to expand drainage, add the number of absorption wells, provide education to the community about environmentally friendly behavior, and green the environment.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Cilegon, Causal Loop Diagram, Dynamic System, Flooding</em></p> Mikhael Fernand Sinaga Bayu Rizqi Setiadji Rahmat Hidayat Sahrupi Sahrupi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 8 2 449 458 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1364 Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Part Housing SUV Menggunakan Metode Statistical Process Control di PT. Y <p><em>In the increasingly advanced world of manufacturing industries, of course, companies need to innovate for tighter competition. The role of product quality will be very influential to get product results with good quality and in accordance with standard operating procedures, must carry out quality control by paying attention to the level of product defects in order to approach zero defects. Therefore, this study aims to analyze quality control to reduce the occurrence of defective products and provide improvement proposals. The method used is Statistical Process Control (SPC) to analyze product defects with the total production of SUV Housing Parts as many as 34740 units. 4 types of defects were produced, namely Coak Blank 40 units, Overlap 37 units, Ngecap Scrap 13 units, and Flatness NG 11 units. The factors causing this type of disability are human factors, machines, materials, environment, and methods. Thus, the improvement proposals given are providing regular training to operators, carrying out routine machine maintenance, using ear plugs while working, measuring material dimensions, and checking materials that will enter the machine. Based on the research conducted, this SPC method can help companies identify product defects and provide suggestions or solutions to problems that occur.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Defect, Quality Control, Repair, Statistical Process Control</em></p> Nurul Amalia Fadhilah Jauhari Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 8 2 459 470 10.37090/indstrk.v8i2.1206