Pupuk, Kompos, Kambing, Kotoran, Fajar Baru, PengabdianAbstract
One of the potentials owned by Desa Fajar Baru, Jati Agung Regency is livestock, especially goats. However, the excesses caused by farm animals, especially dirt, have a huge impact on health and the environment. In addition, people's habit in processing the manure to be used as compost is less optimal so that agricultural products often do not have maximum impact. Currently, during the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred all over the world, caused an economic recession and decreased income of farming families. With the activities of the training program of making fertilizer from goat manure this gives a new passion impact to farmers. This simple, effective and efficient method of making compost is a new knowledge and experience for farmers in Desa Fajar Baru. This fertilizer is made by adding some materials available in nature easily and cheaply, but provides effective results, both in terms of manufacture, process and use and relatively very short use. Thus, this training provides a new hope for farmers to abandon the old way and provide solutions to the outbound economy and have a positive impact on the environment.
Keywords: fertilizer, compost, goat manure, Fajar Baru, Community Service
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