Pengaruh Promosi, Kualitas, dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sandal dan Sepatu Brand Carvil di Carvil Lampung – Yos Sudarso Bandar Lampung
In this era of digitalization, the development of technology and information is running very rapidly, resulting in an increasingly fierce business competition. This makes producers to think critically, creatively, and innovatively to the changes that occur, both in the social, cultural, political and economic fields. The most important thing that a company should do to succeed in business competition is to try to build a company strategy to achieve the goal of increasing and retaining consumers of the Carvil Brand Store - Yos Sudarso in Bandar Lampung. Carvil remains consistent with current achievements, and continues to develop a variety of new and innovative designs for sandals and shoes for women, men, children, teenagers and adults to the elderly at Carvil Lampung brand stores – Yos Sudarso Bandar Lampung. This is descriptive quantitative, observational data collection techniques, questionnaires, secondary data, and documents conducted by research at the Carvil-Yos Sudarso brand store in Bandar Lampung. Based on the results of research that has been carried out to find empirical evidence about the influence of promotion, quality, and price on the decision to purchase Carvil brand sandals and shoes at Carvil Lampung – Yos Sudarso Bandar Lampung.
Keywords: price, quality, promotion, purchase decision
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