Ethanol Fraction of Corn Silk (Zea mays L.) to Decrease Uric Acid Levels in Male White Mice


  • Laila Susanti University of Tulang Bawang Lampung



Corn silk (Zea mayz L.) were empirically used by the community in some regions as traditional remedies for hypertension,kidney stones,diabetes mellitus, urinary tractinfections and gout. This study aimed to determine the effect of corn silk ethanol fraction on decrease uric acid levels in male white mice.corn silk were extracted by macerate used 70% ethanol for 4 days.Urin acid test was performed on male mice induced by beef liver for 7 days.25 mice were grouped into 5 groups, groups dose I, II and III weregiven a fraction at a dose of 27.5 mg / bwBB, 55 mg / bwBB and 110 mg / bwBB, control given Na.CMC 0.5% and as positive controls were given allopurinol dose of 13 mg / bwBB. The five groups were treated orally 1 time a day for 7 days. Decreased uric acid levels were measured and observed on days 7 using an acid (easy touch). The results of ANOVA statistical analysis showed that negative controls gave a significant difference with positive controls, dose I, II and III because the sig value was <0.05 (0,000). The results of the analysis of the advanced duncan, test showed that III doses was approached with positive control in reducing uric acid levels between groups. Conclusion of the trhee doses of fraction that have been carried out, namely trheatmen one 27,5 mg/kgB, trheatment two 55 mg/kgBB and trheatment trhee 110 mg/kgBB. Howaver, the most effective doses is trheatment trhee whichshows the most effective reduction namely at a doses of 110 mg/kgBB. Keywords: corn silk, beef liver, urin acid


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How to Cite

Susanti, L. (2021). Ethanol Fraction of Corn Silk (Zea mays L.) to Decrease Uric Acid Levels in Male White Mice. JFL : Jurnal Farmasi Lampung, 8(2), 95–102.

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